SPORTS — Former NBA star Lance Blanks’ cause of death released
By Brian Argabright The 830 Times Less than two years after his father passed away, the son of a Del Rio sports icon has
By Brian Argabright The 830 Times Less than two years after his father passed away, the son of a Del Rio sports icon has
By Brian Argabright The 830 Times Del Rio won’t be represented at this year’s State Track and Field Meet, but the city can boast
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Del Rio City Council members recently approved a resolution to work with the local public school district to
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Construction on a major sewer trunk line to serve continuing development on the city’s north side could begin
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times A new comprehensive plan for Del Rio is nearly ready, with formal presentation to the city council slated
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