The Del Rio High School’s (DRHS) Mighty Ram Band performed midway during the school’s first pep rally on Wednesday at the Walter Levermann Ram Stadium. The rally started at 7 p.m., and it introduced all the sports teams competing this school year with performances from the high school’s dance groups.

NEWS — DRHS First Pep Rally of new school year

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

The school year has started, and the Del Rio High School had its first community pep rally on Wednesday at the Walter Levermann Ram Stadium. 

The rally began at 7 p.m. and brought together parents and families to show support for all the sports teams and performing groups from DRHS.

Many of the competing teams this school year were introduced, including DRHS Queens volleyball team, the DRHS swim team, the DRHS golf team and the DRHS Rams football team.

Music performances were given by the Mighty Ram Band and dance performances were given by the varsity cheerleaders, Queen City Belles and DRHS Dance Company, with guest appearances by elementary students who are part of the fundraising groups: the Kiddie Campers.

Amanda Pedraza, student council president for 2024, said the event was her first pep rally as student council president. She said the community was “very active,” and she enjoyed introducing all the sports teams.

“Everyone, whether it is football teams, basketball teams, volleyball teams, is super excited. Our community is always here to support (us), and we had a big turn-out for our pep rally,” Pedraza said.

DRHS Principal Cynthia Salas talked about how inspiring and motivational it was for families to come on Wednesday evening.

“When you see this, many parents coming out and supporting our students, especially in this heat, you know the love is there, and the support is there. It just says it all. We can’t even clear the field right now; it feels like graduation,” Salas said.

Although the heat remained at a near all-time high in Del Rio, parents attended the event to show their support. Kayla Thomas came to the pep rally to support her daughter Erin Thomas, who is an athletic trainer at DRHS. She said the rally was good to be at because there was a concession stand, and because the event was moved to 7 p.m. when the sun was setting.

“Ultimately, I think whatever they do, (people) are going to come together to support the teams and support the students,” Thomas said. Fiacro Ramirez, head coach of the DRHS Rams Football team, said it was great to see everyone come during the hot weather, adding, “Everyone is really appreciative of that.”

The first football game of the season is Friday, Aug. 30, in Del Rio, and it will be against Kerrville Tivy High School, taking place at the Rams stadium.


Joel Langton

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