District Attorney Suzanne West, center, presents certificates of appreciation to the members of Val Verde County Commissioners Court. From left, County Commissioner Pct. 1 Martin Wardlaw, County Commissioner Pct. 2 Juan Carlos Vazquez, West, County Judge Lewis G. Owens Jr., County Commissioner Pct. 3 Beau Nettleton and County Commissioner Pct. 4 Gustavo “Gus” Flores. West made the presentation during the court’s September regular term meeting on Sept. 11. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — District attorney thanks commissioners court for support

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

District Attorney Suzanne West recently thanked members of Val Verde County Commissioners Court for the support they had given her office over the past four years.

West made the presentation during the court’s September regular term meeting on Sept. 11. Since there was no agenda item for her presentation, West addressed the court during the citizens’ comments portion of the meeting.

West told the court, “What I’m here for is good news: I want to publicly and unequivocally thank you as a group for all of the support that you have given to our office throughout the past four years.

“When I took office four years ago, we had eight people, and a lot of files, and now we have almost 24 people. We have an 8,000-square-foot building. Your IT (information technology) department built out 20 offices and multiple mobile centers. Your purchasing department has purchased vehicles, furniture, equipment, computers. I cannot say enough.

“Your team and your staff have supported us, and you all particularly, I would love for you to come see the building. You guys haven’t seen it yet, but it is an impressive building, and I know that you took on the burden of every employee that fills that building and the upkeep of the building, basically making sure that we can do all of the things that we do,” West said.

She went on, “You have added people to our staff. You have expanded our capacity, and everything you have done in support of our office is absolutely a service to the community, and I personally appreciate you, myself.

“I doubt that you will hear that a whole lot in your budget discussions today. You guys don’t get elected to be thanked, and I know that feeling. But there are those of us that know what you do is difficult and that you make decisions about what you think is right.

“I cannot say it more specifically. Thank you sincerely for how you’ve allowed us to expand. You’ve supported our expansion. You’ve given us the resources we need to get there,” the district attorney finished.

She then handed framed certificates of appreciation to County Judge Lewis G. Owens Jr. and to each of the four county commissioners.

The writer can be reached at delriomagnoliafan@gmail.com.

Joel Langton

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