OPINION — Have the American Oligarchs won? 

By Gene Chapman

They have the money.  They have the Democrat Party.  They have China. They have the RINO”s.  They have Political Correctness. They have the dissemination of the news. They are globalist on the same page with George Soros.  They are secularist, believing they are god with the right to control the ignoble proletariat kooks still believing America is great as Founded in freedom under God as a Constitutional Republic.   They control the institutions of public information. They make criminals of God fearing patriots and saints of Mafia sociopathic liars.  They treat ANTIFA/BLM stabbings and killings of freedom lovers with indifference, while quiet about leftist foot soldiers on the road to changing America, not hoping too.  The media sycophant’s call them peaceful protesters as they burn, loot, and kill, painting the patriots loving America with the audacity to stand against them as the aggressors.   The four patriots stabbed at the Stop the Steal Washington Rally December 12 are as silent as the trees falling in the deep forest, not fitting the media narrative of total control.    

Michigan Democrat State Representative Cynthia Johnson demonstrated her deranged hatred of the brave, threatened Republican poll watchers putting their lives on the line testifying under oath before the Michigan legislature in a Facebook post.  She said, “So this is just a warning to you Trumper’s—be careful—walk lightly—we ain’t playing with you.  Enough of the shenanigans—enough is enough.  And for those of you who are soldiers (ANTIFA/BLM?) you know how to do it.  Do it right. Be in order—make them pay.”

I watched all the State legislative hearings of poll watcher inability to observe the counting, being demeaned, denied entrance, or standing well beyond the constitutionally guaranteed observance of the highly questionable thousands of mail-in ballots.  They were purported to be printed in China, sent to New York, trucked to Pennsylvania by a trucker in October who swears under oath his trailer disappeared in his absence, and the authorities are investigating him and his family, not the theft of his trailer?  As they testified, one after the other, to a stolen election, Representative Cynthia Johnson broke in to call them all liars, why are we wasting our time listening to this, (my recollection), and was gaveled down by the Committee Chairman.   

One can google a Detroit TV news panel interview with Ms. Johnson, a fellow Democrat, her lawyer and two Republican legislatures for a full airing of the grievances.  She claimed she has received lynching threats, but the Republican had police protection at his home for threats to self and family.  America has not been so divided since the Civil War.

A great majority of Republicans, joined by a sizable number of Democrats understand, in spite of media propaganda, that this stolen election is a precarious step away from our glorious Constitutional founding under God, and rightfully demand the honest will of the people rule supreme.  Otherwise we are no better than a third world nations living in chaotic, hopelessness, with dictators living in a Kings splendor.

I was and  will always be a Tea Partier seeking smaller, honest government with a dominant world military guaranteeing the peace, with policies rewarding all little mankind rising to middle class and beyond with the fruits of labor and or ideas.  Soon after our Founding, America rose to the dominant economic and military power in the world, following our glorious Constitution rewarding good under rule of law.   Nothing is ever perfect, but our Constitution so wisely allowed for perfecting Amendments.  It has been used 27 times for corrections up to, but not exceeding the highest purpose of freeing the Slaves, a stain on America’s founding.  Should other inequities be noted, it stands ready to perfect them with sufficient support from the States.  People from every corner of the world are dying to come to America for the promise of freedom to work, rising to comforts, or entrepreneurs changing the world under the rule of time honored rule of law.  Being an American stood for something so different than third world nations, where the rule of law rest solely in the employ of those currently in power in arranged elections.  

But little voters no longer run our country when conniving big men can steal the will of the people by crook, and get away with it by hiding transparency.  While they shout there’s no proof, they more loudly proclaim there is no need for a public airing in the highest Court, simply because they know the facts are not on the side of the stealing.  

Attorney General Barr just resigned on mutual good terms with the president.  Deputy Attorney General will replace him.  Something is up.

Gene Chapman                                       

Joel Langton

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