Mayor Al Arreola speaks during a special city council meeting Tuesday. The only item on the council’s agenda was a presentation on another alternate route between the site of a proposed second international bridge across the Rio Grande and U.S. Highway 90. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — New bridge route unveiled during special council meeting

By Karen Gleason
The 830 Times

A consultant on the city’s proposed second international bridge project unveiled a fourth
alternate route connecting the bridge with an area highway during a special meeting of
the Del Rio City Council on Tuesday.

There was only one item on the agenda of the special meeting: “Present potential
alternate routes for the proposed second international bridge by RRP Consulting
Engineers and possibly act on recommendation.”

After City Secretary Mari Acosta read the heading of the agenda item, Mayor Al Arreola
asked Assistant City Manager Manuel Chavez to make some introductory remarks.

Chavez said Michael Riojas, of RRP Consulting Engineers, would give a presentation on
the routes.

“Mr. Riojas and his team have been working on the second international bridge permit
process going on two years,” Chavez said, noting there will be a public meeting on the
bridge and connector routes Wednesday (today).

Riojas, who joined the meeting via Zoom, said he would present an overview of the
bridge project and would give the same presentation during the public meeting on
Wednesday (today).

Riojas reviewed the purpose of the project, which is essentially to move the bulk of
commercial truck traffic from the existing bridge to the new bridge.

Riojas briefly went over a history of the project to date, noting a feasibility study was
conducted in 2013. During that study, Riojas said, the engineers and local officials looked
at six potential sites for the new bridge, eventually selecting a site northwest of Del Rio
about halfway between the existing bridge and the Amistad Dam.
Riojas said officials from Mexico, Val Verde County and the city of Del Rio approved
and agreed on the site.

Riojas said the second part of the feasibility study consisted of looking at two corridors
between the selected site of the proposed second bridge and U.S. Highway 90.

“We developed cost estimates, conceptual plans, an origin-to-destination study,” he said.

That process was completed in 2017, and the consulting engineers then began the process
of obtaining a presidential permit for construction of the second bridge.

He said working in concert with officials in Mexico is an integral part of the process.

“We have to coordinate both sides. International bridges, they have to be developed at the
same time on both the U.S. side and the Mexican side. It’s a collaborative effort,” Riojas

Riojas said the consulting engineers are also in the process of conducting an
environmental study of the areas of the proposed bridge site and the connector routes.

He said initially the engineers presented the city with two proposed connector routes
between the proposed bridge site and U.S. 90, designated the “East” route and the “West”

“The ‘West’ route basically went along Las Brisas (Boulevard), connected to Las Brisas
(Boulevard) and to State Loop 79, which eventually will connect to (the) Ports-to-Plains
(corridor),” Riojas said.

He said once the “West” route was made public, residents of the area voiced their

“We went back and looked at an alternative, which refined the routes not only on our
connection from the international bridge to U.S. 90, but also refined the route (to Del Rio
International Airport),” Riojas said.

After presenting the alternate route during a second public meeting, that route, along with
a third option, again drew opposition from residents of the area, he said.

Riojas said a fourth route option was developed, which he would show council and also
show at the public meeting on Wednesday (today).

He said the fourth route option crosses Las Brisas Boulevard and will connect to U.S. 90
across the highway from Lorina’s Cantina.
Riojas then laid out the format of the public meeting to be held Wednesday.

He said he would essentially make the same presentation on the overall bridge project
and there will be graphics displaying the four connector routes proposed so far.

He said comment forms will be provided for members of the public to write out their
opinions about the project or any aspect of the project.

“The comments will be used to develop the best, preferable route,” Riojas said.
Riojas then reviewed “next steps” that will be taken after Wednesday’s public meeting.

“We will compile the public comments and identify the preferred alternative (route),” he

Riojas added he and his staff will also be finalize their schematics of roadway sections,
conduct environmental field investigations and prepare the final environmental

After finishing the environmental document and the schematics, Riojas said “a formal
public hearing” will be scheduled, which is required before those documents are
submitted to the reviewing agencies.

After a “finding of no significant impact,” called a FONSI, is made by the review agency,
Riojas said, the city can apply for a presidential permit.

Acquisition of right-of-way would begin after the presidential permit is approved. At that
time, design documents will be created and, “ultimately begin construction on the

After Riojas’ presentation, council member spent some time discussing aspects of the
project. (See separate story.)
Reach the writer at

Joel Langton

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