Connected Home Solutions’ very own Grinch showers snow in the air on Main Street during the annual Christmas Parade on Friday evening. The company won the Merry And Bright Float award for the entry with the most lights on a float. (Photo By Louis Zylka)

Community — City kicks off season with Christmas parade

By Louis Zylka
The 830 Times

The holiday season has arrived with Del Rio’s annual Christmas parade and lighting of the city Christmas tree in the city’s historic downtown on Friday evening.

This year’s parade was called the Superhero Christmas Parade. The theme focused on superheroes, and entries were able to celebrate heroes ranging from those in comics and popular culture, like Superman and the Grinch to those from Bible stories,

The Del Rio Bank & Trust float soars through the streets at Del Rio’s Christmas Superhero Parade during Friday evening. The company took home first place in overall creativity, appearance and originality. (Photo By Louis Zylka)

like Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

Although the weather was chilly, hundreds of citizens attended the parade, which had over 90 entries with people dressed in Christmas sweaters and Santa hats or as characters such as the Grinch, Deadpool and Spiderman.

The winners for the Christmas Parade Awards were announced at Greenwood Park after the parade finished.

The judges’ overall awards focused on creativity, appearance and originality. First place was given to The Bank &  Trust; second place was given to Wonderland Day Care and third place was given to the Brown Plaza Association. The Grand Award (The Mayor’s Choice Award) was awarded to St. Joseph Church.

The winners for the best walking unit entries included the Queen City Belles for best live performance, The Mighty Ram Band for

Members of The Tabernacle, a local house of worship, perform music during the
Christmas Superhero Parade on Friday evening. The group won the Rockin’ Around the
Christmas Tree award. (Photo By Louis Zylka)

the best band entry and the American Electric Power company (AEP) for the entry with the most lights.

The winners in the floats/motorized vehicle category were The Tabernacle (a local church), which won the award for the best music used in the parade, and Connected Home Solutions, which won the award for the most lights used on a float or vehicle.

The judges for this year’s parade were Bethany Gonzalez, a member of the Del Rio Chamber of Commerce’s membership and outreach team; Michael Garcia, assistant to the city manager and city grants writer; and Luis Menchaca, the city’s purchasing agent.

Gonzalez said the parade was “very energetic,” and Menchaca said this year’s parade was “one of the best exhibitions of talent from Del Rio.”

Amistad National Park Recreation rangers Austin Rogers and Rhiannon Davis pose for a picture on a boat during annual Christmas parade on Friday. (Photo By Louis Zylka)


The San Felipe/Del Rio Soccer Club waves at the crowd while driving down Main Street
during the annual Christmas parade. The kids in the float were dressed in Santa hats and
masks in celebration of Christmas and superheroes. (Photo By Louis Zylka)
The Queen City Belles won the Holiday Spirit Award for best live performance at
the Christmas Superhero Parade on Friday. (Photo By Louis Zylka)
The Brown Plaza Association celebrates the organization’s pageant winners at
Del Rio’s annual Christmas parade held downtown on Friday. The organization won third place
in the Judge’s Overall Awards. (Photo By Louis Zylka)
City council members drive down Main Street as one of the first floats at Del Rio’s annual Christmas parade, which had the theme focused on superheroes. (Photo By Louis Zylka)


Joel Langton

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