COMMUNITY — School district’s CTE program recognizes its Students of the Month

From the San Felipe Del Rio CISD

Submitted to the 830 Times


San Felipe Del Rio CISD (SFDRCISD) Career and Technical Education (CTE) has named its September- Students of the Month.

CTE Students of the Month have to be nominated by one of 44 CTE teachers. Selections were based on academic achievement, leadership qualities in CTE Programs and outstanding school performance. SFDRCISD offers 23 CTE Programs of Study and 10 Career Clusters.

September’s Students of the Month are as follows:


Christian Fullbright

Student: Christian Fulbright

School: Del Rio Middle School

Parent: Lizet Hernandez

CTE Course: PIT – Principles of Information Technology

CTE Teacher: Regina Cardenas


Student: Ana Acevedo Garza

School: Del Rio Freshman School/Early College High School

Parents: Karla Garza and Kenny Acevedo

Ana Acevedo Garza

CTE Course: Principles of Audio Video Technology

CTE Teacher: Summer Almaguer

Ana also competes in golf, is part of the jazz band and is a part of the Amistad Eagles competitive cheer team


Student: Alison Rohde

School: Del Rio High School

Parents: Scott and Ashley Nebel

CTE Course: Instructional Practices

CTE Teacher: Margo Baker

Alison Rohde

Alison also participates in choir




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