Members of the United Civic Organization pose with members of Del Rio Little League's Astros and Braves. They are posing in front of the UCO Park's Baseball Field's new scoreboard. (Photo by Joel Langton)

COMMUNITY — UCO unveils new scoreboard

By Joel Langton

The 830 Times

The United Civic Organization unveiled a new scoreboard April 11 at UCO Park Baseball Park for the Del Rio Little League. 

The new scoreboard represented teamwork between a private organization and the City of Del Rio.

The private organization, UCO, paid the $4,255 for the scoreboard and the City of Del Rio staffers installed it.

“It’s all about the kids,” said Carlos Ayala, UCO chairman, who helped spearhead the project. “We’re thrilled to do whatever we can to make this year the best ever for these kids.”

UCO donated the land for the park in 1968 and the park was finished in 1972. “We have supported a multitude of teams  in Del Rio Little League, Del Rio Minor League and Babe Ruth League here,” Ayala said.

“It’s a great partnership whenever the city can team up with a business or private organization to make our community better,” said Al Arreola Sr., City of Del Rio Mayor. “We have plans for other projects like this in the near future.”

Contact the author at

Joel Langton

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