NEWS — City issues discussed during town hall meeting
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Complaints about city facilities maintenance, questions about a drainage project on the city’s north side and markings on city
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Complaints about city facilities maintenance, questions about a drainage project on the city’s north side and markings on city
By Louis Zylka The 830 Times Mayor Al Arreola has proclaimed March 25 as “Julio Corn Tortilla Chips Official Day,” celebrating the ever-growing success of
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Del Rio’s Jack in the Box restaurant re-opened about noon Monday after it was closed through the weekend while
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Keeping hearts strong and healthy was the focus of a community outreach event sponsored by Val Verde Regional Medical
By Joel Langton The 830 Times Local law enforcement officials followed up on a request by a federal agency about 10:30 a.m. Friday and found
City of Del Rio press release (Publisher’s note — Everyone referred to here is innocent until proven guilty.) On February 19th, 2025, at approximately 3:00p.m.
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Actors, musicians, event organizers and advocates for the city’s downtown district met with city officials and a team of
By Joel Langton The 830 Times The Blue Collar Tour, a rock ‘n’ roll like show for welding students, hit Del Rio Tuesday and worked
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times Increases in water and sewer rates are likely on the horizon for Del Rio customers, the city’s top administrator
By Karen Gleason The 830 Times City council members peppered City Manager Shawna Burkhart with questions Tuesday following her presentation on the city’s recent work
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