By Blanca Larson
Del Rio Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director
TIS the season to be grateful for family, friends and yes, TIS the season to SHOP LOCAL!
Every dollar that you spend with a local retailer goes around the

DR Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director
community seven times. Our local businesses support youth sports, school organizations, non-profits, local restaurants and their employees.
Every purchase you make helps fund and produces sales tax that funds our police, firemen, and other essential services. You’re investing to help Del Rio thrive.
It’s important to shop local year-round but during Christmas it’s more vital because retailers make 25 percent of their profit during this season. This year we have one less week of
Christmas shopping, so the bottom line could be harder to reach. As you know, the cost of goods has gone up, money doesn’t go as far as it used to. This is true not only for every household, but it has also affected all our retailers and restaurants.
Every Dollar that you spend with our local merchants supports the retailer that pays city, county and local school taxes. An increase in local sales helps create and maintain jobs and the more people that are employed the healthier our community is! According to Capital One Shopping $68 out of every $100 stays in the local economy. So, it’s up to you Del Rio! So think about it and Shop Del Rio!