Alonzo Martinez, president of the San Felipe Exes, takes a short break after the group’s parade, which ended at the Brown Plaza. Martinez spoke to the 830 Times about San Felipe High School’s enduring legacy. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

COMMUNITY — San Felipe Exes reunion honors school’s long legacy

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times


San Felipe Exes attending this weekend’s biennial reunion are honoring San Felipe High School’s enduring legacy.

Alonzo Martinez is president of the San Felipe Exes and called the turnout for the 2021 reunion “extremely gratifying.”

“It takes so much work to plan, and when you see the fruits of all our labor, it is very rewarding,” Martinez said following the reunion parade Saturday.

With a touch of sadness, Martinez admitted the numbers of San Felipe Exes themselves are fewer every year, but said the spirit of San Felipe stays strong.

“As our own numbers grow smaller, the spirit of San Felipe stays the same or even becomes greater. On my way to the parade this morning, driving down Garza Street, you could feel the electricity in the air, seeing the people come out of their homes to watch the parade,” Martinez said.

“I get so excited. I’ve been to a lot of parades, and they’re nice, but the enthusiasm here is incredible, because everyone knows someone that went to San Felipe High School, and it’s so great to see everyone come together and celebrate,” he added.

San Felipe High School opened its doors in late 1930, following the formation of the San Felipe Independent School District in 1929.

According to the historical marker placed outside the site of former school, “San Felipe High School was known for its caring teachers, who along with administrators, helped to create a caring community. The school also had high parental involvement. This encouraging atmosphere shaped students, aiding them in achieving later career and life success. Additionally, the school served as a focal point for the community.”

Though San Felipe High School closed its doors in 1971 following consolidation, its students, teachers, administrators and their families have never forgotten the lessons they learned inside its doors.

Every two years, the San Felipe Exes reunion in Del Rio honors those lessons and gives old friends and classmates the chance to catch up.

Martinez spoke about the school’s importance in the lives of its students.

“This was home. This is where we grew up. This is where we learned our values. Not only were we educated in the San Felipe High School, but our parents, grandparents and teachers instilled in us the will and want to go out into the world and become better people. They made us believe that we could do anything, anywhere, and we’ve gone all over the country, all over the world, and we have students who have gone on to live – and die – in foreign lands,” he said.

“But this is our home, and we always remember that, and we come to celebrate, and I think that’s pretty unique,” Martinez added.

Martinez, a member of the San Felipe High School Class of 1970, remembers his senior year at the school.

“You always remember getting together with your friends, to play sports because you played as a team, but I remember my senior year, not wanting to miss a single day of school because I didn’t want to miss a minute with my friends, my teachers,” he said.

The reunion, he said, allows former classmates to relive those days.

“We were just one big family, and we still are, and in many ways, this is a family reunion, where we all come together,” Martinez said.

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