Del Rio writer’s comic sells out; company goes back to printers

Del Rio native Jarred Lujan’s comic book, Dry Foot, sold out of its first printing in two days.

The publisher, Mad Cave Studios, has gone back to the printers for a second printing and  it should be available Oct. 28. The second printing will have a new cover, (above) called the Scarface cover.

“If people do not have a comic book shop, you can preorder from the publisher,” said Lujan. The address for online ordering is:…/dry-foot-1-second-printing/ 

The comic book is about four teenage friends who plan to rob a local druglord to escape 1984 Miami. 

This will be the second printing of the first edition. The second edition of the saga comes out Oct. 21 and the third comes out Nov. 25. 


Joel Langton

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