Del Rioans line up to dump household trash, old wood furniture and other items at the county fairgrounds during Saturday’s free city-wide cleanup. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — Del Rioans participate in city-wide cleanup

Karen Gleason


Del Rioans lined up early to take part in Saturday’s free city-wide cleanup.

Pickup trucks, their beds filled with scraps of old wood, mattresses, bags of household trash, broken furniture and all other kinds of trash and debris, began lining up at the Val Verde County Fairgrounds shortly after 8 a.m. Saturday for the start of the cleanup at 9 a.m.

Red River Waste Solutions, the private company contracted by the city of Del Rio to operate the landfill and collect trash, had dozens of employees on-site to help citizens in unloading the trash items brought to the cleanup.

Some were directed to pull up to large roll-off containers, while some went to directly to Red River trash collection trucks parked in a line.

After unloading their trucks, Del Rioans were directed to exit the fairgrounds on the other side of the line of roll-offs and trash trucks to maintain an orderly flow of traffic.

The cleanup event went from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Joel Langton

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