Jacques De La Mota seeks election to County Attorney office

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

Jacques De La Mota is seeking the Republican Party nomination for the office of Val Verde County Attorney.

De La Mota will be the only candidate for the position on the March 5 Republican Party Primary Election ballot.

De La Mota is a lifelong resident of Val Verde County and says he believes it’s important to keep the right perspective. “Our system of justice isn’t perfect in every case. But respect for our laws is what keeps us safe and able to prosper,” he said.

De La Mota earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business and accounting from Angelo State University and a master’s of business administration in accounting, management and a law degree from the Texas Tech School of Law in 2002.

De La Mota is the founder and sole owner of a De La Mota & Company, Ltd.

De La Mota, who is a certified public accountant, has been an attorney in Del Rio for 20 years, and in that time, he said he has seen a lot of different things.

“I’ve been involved in a wide range of cases over the years. You see the best in people and sometimes the other side as well, but our legal system is the best in the world,” he said.

De La Mota practices law in state and federal court and also handles a range of tax matters for individuals and businesses.

“I have a growing practice in federal immigration law and have a lot of experience in the law generally,” De La Mota said.

De La Mota’s professional credentials include attorney-at-law, certified public accountant and certified mediator. He is fluent in English and Spanish.

De La Mota is a member of the Val Verde County Bar Association, the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Federal Bar Association, Del Rio chapter; the American Bar Association, the State Bar of Texas and the College of the State Bar.

His civic involvement includes the Del Rio Chamber of Commerce’s Military Affairs Association, Volunteer for Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Middle Rio Grande Private Industry Council, the city of Del Rio Economic Development Committee, the Del Rio Boys & Girls Club, Inc., Del Rio Rotary Club, Del Rio Beautification Foundation, San Felipe Creek Walk Association, Friends of Amistad, St. James Vestry, Del Rio Adult Literacy Council, Gideon’s International and Officer Christian Fellowship, Laughlin Air Force Base.

Asked why he decided to run for the office of county attorney, De La Mota said, “The voters of our community deserve a choice. I’m fourth-generation Del Rioan. My family’s lived here for more than 100 years. We’ve seen the community grow and change, and I just feel like the citizens deserve a choice.

“I’ve heard a lot of complaints that illegal aliens are not getting prosecuted for criminal trespass. Unfortunately, our family experiences issues with that as well. Lots of aliens have trespassed on our ranch in south Del Rio. Sometimes, that makes the ranch unsafe or unusable,” De La Mota said.

“We should prosecute as many criminal trespass cases as possible, but we also need to ask where the resources are going to come from. I think our infrastructure is taxed to the max. As county attorney, though, I would work to maximize our resources, look for additional funding whenever possible and to enforce the laws. That’s what maintains order in our community and what allows us to live and work safely,” he said.

De La Mota said he believes the county attorney has “an obligation to the community to enforce our laws and also a responsibility to train law enforcement.”

“Our law enforcement officers do a great job. They risk their own safety to keep the rest of us safe. But they also need ongoing training because the law is always changing. If they’re not trained in what they’re supposed to do, the prosecutor can’t go forward on a case that’s not properly put together,” De La Mota said.

“I’ve always thought that if I were a prosecutor, I would want to know what’s the outcome I’m seeking first and then charge the case from that perspective. Ultimately we’re trying to see that justice is served,” he said.

“The county attorney also assists with commissioners court, so supporting the county in that respect, properly advising the commissioners court, will be a priority,” De La Mota said.

“However people vote on Election Day, they should exercise their right to vote. We live in the greatest country in the world, and one way to protect our democracy is to exercise our rights,” he said.

 The writer can be reached at delriomagnoliafan@gmail.com.

Joel Langton

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