NEWS — 2 new members join Main Street Program 

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

The city council has appointed two new board members to the Del Rio Main Street Program.

City council members discussed a resolution to appoint two new board members to the Del Rio Main Street Program Board during their regular meeting Aug. 27.

The two new Main Street Program members are Jonathan Francis and Mario Sanchez.

Councilman J.P. Sanchez made the motion to approve the resolution and councilman Jesus Lopez Jr. gave the second.

Councilwoman Carmen Gutierrez thanked the new members for joining the program. Sanchez was present during the council meeting, but Francis was not able to attend due to the weather.

Jorge Garza, the city’s Main Street/business incubator manager, came up to the podium to introduce the new board members and inform council members about their terms on the organization.

“I (submitted) this agenda item because right now we only have five board members, so these two people who applied are Mario Sanchez and Jonathan Francis, and they are going to fill the (unexpired terms) of Marte Escobedo and Jesus Diego,” Garza told the council.

Garza then introduced Sanchez and talked about how his experiences can help the program.

“Mario, who is here, has been helping out and has been volunteering in the past. He has not been a board member, but he has been volunteering and helping us out with different projects like the solar eclipse event. He has been very active in participating since the past (few) months. We are really happy for them to join the board,” Garza said.

Mayor Al Arreola brought up Francis’ inclusion and asked if he used to work for H-E-B. Garza answered Arreola’s question and also talked about how his experience can help with the program.

Garza said the two new members would be good additions to the program. He then went into detail about the application process for new members.

“First, we follow city protocols; we review the applications in the Main Street Program Board. Then I, along with the city manager and Mr. Arreola, participate in the interviews. This (resolution) is the third step in the process.

“First, we follow city protocols; we review the applications in the Main Street Program Board.

Then I, along with the city manager and Mr. Arreola, participate in the interviews. This (resolution) is the third step in the process. After the advice of my board, we decided that Jonathan Francis and Mario Sanchez both could join our board,” Garza said.

Arreola asked if there were any further questions from the council. None were asked, and the council continued with the next agenda topic.

Joel Langton

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