NEWS — CBP Del Rio Port of Entry Announces Expanded Hours of Operation at Del Rio International Airport Effective Today

DEL RIO, Texas –U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Del Rio Port of Entry announced that effective today, hours of operation at the Del Rio International Airport will be expanded to accommodate arriving international private, general aviation and air cargo traffic.

“We are excited to announce that we will be expanding our hours of operation to keep pace with growing air traffic in our area and provide our clearance service while continuing to uphold CBP’s border security mission,” said Port Director Liliana Flores, Del Rio Port of Entry.

The expanded hours of service for CBP at Del Rio International Airport are as follows:

Hours of Service for Entrance and Clearance:

  • 7 days a week: 0600-2200

Air cargo

  • Monday – Friday: 0800-2200
  • Saturday: 0800-1600

Joel Langton

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