NEWS — City Council recap, March 11

Publisher’s Note — Here’s what happened at the Del Rio City Council meeting March 11. We are simply trying something different to get you the results of the meeting to you in a timely manner and will offer you more in-depth stories on some of these. 

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

All seven members of the city council were present.

Council appoints Janice Pokrant as city planning and zoning director

  • The city council appointed Janice Pokrant as the city’s new planning and zoning director. Pokrant has more than 25 years of experience in the field and was most recently employed as the senior planner at Matrix Design Group. Pokrant previously served as city planner for the city of Del Rio for 17 years from August 2007 to May 2023. Pokrant’s appointment was approved on a 5-2 vote, over the objections of Councilman J.P. Sanchez, who characterized her appointment “a step backward.”

Council authorizes five-year contract for engineering services on water projects

  • The city council unanimously authorized the award of a five-year contract to Jimenez Engineering Solutions LLC, doing business as International Consulting Engineers (ICE) of Corpus Christi, Texas, for professional engineering services related to water projects. Sealed statements were received from 15 firms. Costs for work orders on individual projects will be presented to the council for each project awarded, and projects will be funded through the water fund.

Council authorizes five-year contract for engineering services on wastewater projects

  • The city council unanimously authorized the award of a five-year contract to RESPEC Company LLC of Castroville, Texas, for professional engineering services related to wastewater projects. Sealed statements were received from 15 firms. Costs for work orders on individual projects will be presented to the council for each project awarded, and projects will be funded through the wastewater fund.

Council approves change order for Southern Transportation Depot Rehabilitation Project

  • The city council unanimously approved change order No. 3 in the amount of $91,400 requested by JESCO LLC, the general contractor for the rehabilitation project at the city’s Southern Transportation Depot building, 100 W. Ogden St. The change order includes the installation of frosted tint for two windows in the building’s restrooms, painting the inside of the building and the repair of stucco on the outside of the building. Along with two previous change orders, the third change order increased the initial contract price of $610,000 to $746,900. The work is being paid for by a 100 percent grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

Council accepts donation of electronic pedestrian crossing system from school district

  • The city council voted unanimously to accept the donation of an electronic pedestrian crossing system, valued at $31,147.20, from the San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District. The new crossing system will be placed at the intersection of Wildcat Drive and Memorial Drive for students walking between the school district’s Early College High School and Southwest Texas College.

Council names ‘Julio’s Seasoned Corn Tortilla Chips’ as Del Rio’s official chip

  • The city council unanimously approved an ordinance designating the popular “Julio’s Seasoned Corn Tortilla Chip” as the official chips of the city of Del Rio. The chips and accompanying seasonings and salsas were developed by the late Julio Garcia and members of his family, including his wife Lilia Garcia, and family members have developed the chips, seasonings and salsas into an expanding, successful business across the state.

Council approves $25,000 for local marketing campaign for second international bridge

  • The city council voted 6-1 to amend the city’s annual budget by $25,000 to pay for a “promotion strategy and advertising campaign” for the second international bridge. City staff told council members the marketing campaign will give details about the planned second bridge, including its touted importance for “trade, infrastructure and economic growth.” Mayor Al Arreola said the campaign is needed to counter “misinformation” about the bridge project. Mayor Pro-tem Jim DeReus voted against the campaign.

Council approves contract for completion of water and wastewater rate study

  • The city council unanimously authorized the city manager to execute a contract in the amount of $18,500 with Newgen Strategies & Solutions LLC for completion of a comprehensive cost of service and rate design study for the city’s water and wastewater utilities. Newgen had completed an initial study and presented it to city staff, who then realized they needed to include additional capital improvement plan projects, a new fiscal year budget (Fiscal Year 2025) and current reserve balances to develop a comprehensive cost of service and rate design study.

Council hears presentation on use of Joe Ramos Center and other city sports facilities

  • The city council took no action after listening to a presentation by city staff on issues regarding the use of city facilities like the Joe Ramos Center and playing and practice fields at the William S. Nixon Sports Complex. City staffers told council, “There are more people who want to use the (facilities) than we have space,” and unveiled a proposed matrix the city can use to determine how use of those facilities will be decided.

Council hears presentation of planned Fourth of July events

  • The city council heard a presentation from city staff on a wide-ranging slate of events planned for this year’s Fourth of July celebration. Events include the annual Miss Fourth of July Pageant on June 27, but most of the festivities are scheduled for July 3 and July 4, including a 5K run on July 3 and a parade, musical entertainment and fireworks on July 4. 

The writer can be reached at

Joel Langton

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