Displaying a check representing a $350,000 grant to the city for improvements in Del Rio’s Main Street District are, from left, City Economic Development Director Jorge Ramon, Carl Esser, city consultant and grant writer; Councilman Jesus Lopez Jr., Councilwoman Alexandra Falcon Calderon, Assistant to the City Manager/Grant Writer Michael Garcia, Mayor Al Arreola, Mayor Pro-tem Steven Webb, Councilwoman Ernestina “Tina” Martinez, Councilman J.P. Sanchez and City Manager John Sheedy. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — City obtains grant for downtown improvements

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times


City officials announced the city has received a $350,000 state grant for improvements in the downtown area.

The grant, according to information presented to the Del Rio City Council during its meeting Nov. 8, will allow the city to “reconstruct approximately 900 linear feet of sidewalk, 100 linear feet of curb and gutter, 28 ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) ramps, six pedestrian lights and electrical improvements” on Canal and Pecan streets.

Mayor Pro-tem Steven Webb made a motion to direct City Manager John Sheedy to accept funding from the Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Downtown Revitalization Program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with Councilman J.P. Sanchez giving the second.

Mayor Al Arreola asked if council members had any questions, and Councilwoman Alexandra Falcon Calderon said she did.

Calderon first asked about the $52,500 cost match the city will be required to provide as its 15 percent match for the grant and where the matching funds would come from.

City Finance Director Alberta Barrett told Calderon the funding for the match is included in the city’s Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget as part of its capital improvement program.

Calderon also asked about the project period, noting it ends on Feb. 29, 2024.

Michael Garcia, assistant to the city manager and grant writer, then spoke to the council about the project.

“Once this item is approved, Mr. (Albert) Quintanilla, city public works director, is ready to begin the process with the consultants. As a matter of fact, we have completed the request for qualifications. We identified 10 consultants, and if you ask which one is the one we may select, it will be Stan-Tec, which is the company that is already working on the comprehensive plan for the city. So tomorrow Mr. Quintanilla will begin working with the consultants on the project design,” Garcia said.

Calderon next asked about the six pedestrian lights identified in the project.

“What kind of lights are those? Are they walking lights or the pole lights? Because lighting has been all the talk on this project,” Calderon said.

Quintanilla answered Calderon, telling her, “It’s going to be decorative lighting. They’re scheduled for going on Canal Street. We want to basically match what’s out there at Brown Plaza, that same style of lighting.”

Quintanilla said although six light fixtures are mentioned in the grant, he said depending on the type of fixtures the city selects, it may be able to buy more. He added although the lights won’t be on Main Street proper, they will be placed in the area designated as the Main Street District.

Quintanilla said the city hopes to begin placing lights on the east side of the Main Street district, on Canal Street, and work west as far as funding allows.

“But the project here mentions Pecan and Canal,” Calderon pressed.

“Because we’re going to put sidewalks along Pecan Street because that’s where the ADA access is needed, so we want to improve all the ADA access along Pecan, and then with additional funds left over, we want to start east and head west with the lighting, and if we get all the way to Griner with the lighting, then we’ll turn on Pecan and start going north,” Quintanilla said.

Carl Esser, city consultant and grant writer, also provided further clarification on the project, noting Del Rio has been designated as a Texas Main Street City for more than 20 years.

“When this (grant) application was submitted . . . sidewalks were the priority for this (funding) opportunity. It’s to enhance economic development for the downtown area and by enhancing economic development, by stimulating the economy, by putting in sidewalks, putting in lighting, putting in improvements, to bring the downtown area together. Main Street was not prioritized, but it is a Main Street Program application,” Esser said.

Esser said he has been meeting with city staff members, including himself, Garcia, Quintanilla and Economic Development Director Jorge Ramon to discuss projects for the downtown area.

Calderon said she would like to be included in the staff meetings regarding the Main Street area and recommended that the head of the Main Street Advisory Board be invited to attend the meetings as well.

“I’m very familiar with the Main Street Program, as I used to chair that program,” Calderon said.

Esser then presented the council with an oversized check representing the grant funding.

“We want to give you all some recognition for your efforts in working to revitalize the historic downtown area of Del Rio,” Esser said.

Contact the author at delriomagnoliafan@gmail.com




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