NEWS – City releases information on June 26 train accident

From the City of Del Rio


The City of Del Rio Police Department has received media requests concerning an incident that occurred on June 26, 2021. In response to these requests, the Del Rio Police Department has prepared the following release:

“On 06/26/2021 at 2241 hours (10:41 p.m.), Del Rio Police Department Officers responded to a call for service at the 200 block of East Martin Street near Ogden referencing someone yelling for help.

Upon arrival officers located a 35-year-old female lying on the railroad tracks suffering from severe injuries to her right hand and right arm. Officers applied a tourniquet in attempts to stop the loss of blood. EMS and Fire Department arrived at the scene and provided further medical assistance.

The female told officers she attempted to climb on to the moving train but lost her balance causing her to fall and trapping her arm under the metal wheels. The female claimed to be a citizen of Tapachula, Chiapas Mexico.

The female was transported to the Val Verde Regional Medical Center and was later flown to University Hospital in San Antonio for treatment.

Union Pacific Police Division was called to the scene and took over the investigation.”

For more information, please contact the Del Rio Police Department at 830-774-2711.



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