Del Rio High School senior Eli Fuentes plays “Taps” on his trumpet at the end of a ceremony to honor fallen law enforcement officers, held Wednesday, May 8, outside the Val Verde County Courthouse. Fuentes is a member of the Del Rio High School Mighty Ram Band. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — Community stops to remember fallen officers

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

The sacrifice and legacy of five Val Verde County Sheriff’s Office deputies and two Del Rio Police Department officers who died in the line of duty was remembered and honored during a recent ceremony outside the county courthouse.

Participants in the ceremony included members of Del Rio, Val

Val Verde County Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez, at podium, reads the names of the five sheriff’s office deputies who have died in the line of duty since 1906 during a memorial to fallen officers held outside the county courthouse on Wednesday, May 8. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

Verde County, state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as members of the local judiciary, military and legal communities and family members of local officers who died in the line of duty. The ceremony also honored the hundreds of other law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty over the years.

After the posting of the colors by members of the Del Rio Police Department and Val Verde County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard and the singing of the National Anthem by Del Rio High School junior Kaylie Morales, Val Verde County Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez spoke to those assembled on the south lawn of the historic courthouse.

“This is National Police Week where we honor the men and women of law enforcement who serve our community on a daily basis, and we also gather to honor our fallen officers who gave their all and did not make it home safely to their loved ones,” Martinez said.

He read the names of the five sheriff’s office deputies who have died in the line of duty since 1906.

“We honor our fallen officers: Serapio Andrade, end of watch, Nov. 28, 1906; Samuel Perez, end of watch, Nov. 18, 1969; Dell W. Bowers Jr., end of watch, Nov. 7, 1970; Donald Hill, end of watch, May 31, 1990; and James Sunderland Sr., end of watch, June 30, 2006. We, the citizens of Val Verde County, are grateful for their service, and you can rest assured that they will not be forgotten,” Martinez said.

Martinez also told those gathered for the ceremony that there were 129 line-of-duty deaths of law enforcement officers in 2021, 274 in 2022, 137 in 2023 and 56 so far this year.

“Let not one of us be a statistic. Let each and every one of us men and women who puts on that uniform return to their family at the end of their shift,” Martinez said.

The sheriff then recognized “our federal, state and local partners whose officers help keep our communities safe.”

“Thank you for the partnership and thank you for what you do. Be safe, and God bless our peace officers and their families,” Martinez said.

After Martinez finished speaking, Del Rio Police Department Chief Frank Ramirez stepped to the podium and spoke the names of the two DRPD officers who have died in the line of duty: Mario Salas, end of watch, Jan. 7, 1988; and John Miller, end of watch, July 4, 1990.

After speaking the names of the DRPD’s fallen officers, Ramirez told the audience, “Today we gather with heavy hearts to honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their community. The men and women we honor today answered the call to protect and serve, knowing the risks they faced each day.

“To the families and loved ones left behind, know that your loss is not forgotten. Your sacrifice is shared by us, and we stand with you in solidarity and support. May we never forget the bravery and selflessness of the fallen heroes. May their memories be a source of strength and inspiration as we carry on their mission. Thank you and God bless,” Ramirez said.

At the end of the ceremony, Del Rio High School senior Eli Fuentes, a member of the DRHS Mighty Ram Band, played “Taps” on his trumpet.

The writer can be reached at



Joel Langton

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