The pool house at Moore Park is slated for rehabilitation, as is the Buena Vista Pool House on the city’s north side. The city council Jan. 10 approved an ordinance authorizing the city manager to execute a contract with a local business to rehabilitate the two facilities. City officials said rehabilitation work could begin as early as this spring. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — Council approves ordinance for pool house renovations

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times


Pool houses at the city’s Buena Vista and Moore Park pools will soon be getting long-planned renovations.

The Del Rio City Council Jan. 10 unanimously approved an ordinance directing City Manager John Sheedy to award a contract for $252,611 to DLP Services for restroom rehabilitation at Buena Vista Pool and Moore Park Pool.

In an informational packet presented to the council, City Purchasing Agent Luis Menchaca wrote, “A few years ago, staff requested funding to improve the amenities offered at each pool. Staff has been working on getting this project underway, with project plans and request for bids posted a number of times within the last couple of years.”

“The renovations to the Moore Park Pool House and Buena Vista Pool House include the installation of new plumbing fixtures and new changing stalls to be installed, with the existing toilet areas remaining the same,” Menchaca added.

Councilman J.P. Sanchez made the motion to approve the ordinance, with Councilwoman Ernestina “Tina” Martinez giving the second.

When Mayor Al Arreola asked if there were any questions, Councilwoman Alexandra Falcon Calderon said she had some.

“Based on history of other bids that have been presented . . . it says here, new plumbing fixtures and new stalls to be installed, but as far as other items presented on the bid, I don’t see anything on that,” Calderon said.

Menchaca replied, “Yes, normally we do include (an itemized scope of work), but in this situation, it was too lengthy, so in order to keep the agenda not as long, because sometimes these packages can be up to 90 to 100 pages, so we don’t always include them.”

“In this situation, though, we do have them posted on the web site, so if it’s something that needs to be seen, it is available on the web site, and also, I do have them available,” Menchaca added.

Calderon said she had also hoped more companies would have submitted bids for the project.

Sanchez said he also had some questions about the bid process.

“This has nothing to do with the company (that bid) whatsoever. This is a quarter-million dollar project. Are we being supplied with a performance and payment bond, a bid bond on this project? We’ve had other projects that we’ve dealt with that their performance bond was not compatible with their contracts, and that’s come back to bite the city, but I don’t see here where a performance or payment bond or a bid bond was requested,” Sanchez said.

“Is that the procedure that we followed, being that these are public funds?” Sanchez asked.

“Yes, sir, we did request a performance bond and a bid bond, and both of them were delivered with the (bid) package,” Menchaca replied.

“A payment bond is the other one. A payment bond is required so that he pays his bills,” Sanchez continued.

“Yes,” Menchaca replied, adding the project was not developed in-house by city staff, but by a consulting firm working for the city, Bain Medina Bain.

“That was my question, since I didn’t see that in my packet. That’s why I brought it up, and like I said, being as these are public funds, we need to ensure that we protect the citizens,” Sanchez said.

Arreola asked if the rehabilitation “will be a complete overhaul” of the facilities at the two pools.

“It’s a rehabilitation, so we’re keeping the same structure, and it’s basically going to be replacing certain pieces that are outdated and then of course painting, floor work, things like that. It’s more of a rehabilitation, so we’re not going with a complete overhaul,” Menchaca replied.

With no other questions, Arreola called for the vote, and the council approved the ordinance unanimously.

After the meeting, Menchaca told the 830 Times work on the rehabilitation of the two pool houses could begin in early spring.

“We’ve been trying to get this project done for three to four years, and we’re very happy to be able to award this contract to a local business,” Menchaca said.

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