By Louis Zylka
The 830 Times
City council members on Tuesday talked about changes to the renovation project for Cody Wardlaw Gym.
An update on the interlocal agreement between the city of Del Rio and San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District

Independent School District (SFDRCISD), attended the city council meeting on Tuesday to
explain updates on the renovation project for Cody Wardlaw Gym.
(SFDRCISD) to renovate the Cody Wardlaw Gym, located at 304 W. Martin St., was part of the council meeting’s agenda.
The agreement between the city and SFDRCISD was made effective in late April 2023. Assistant City Manager Manuel Chavez talked about the background of the agreement and the changes the school district made to fit the budget of the project.
Dr. Carlos Rios, school district superintendent, was in attendance to provide information about the project.
Chavez said the changes the school district made to the project did not require the agreement to be sent back as a resolution to the council.
“The plan was to get a general contractor to do the renovation project, and Dr. Rios did inform the city that the cost came up more than was budgeted,” Chavez said.
“Part of the agreement was that the city set aside $4.25 million for this project, which was provided by the school district in October 2023. . . Dr. Rios decided to do an alternative route, and a part of that included getting an in-house construction manager, and to bid out the project individually,” Chavez added.
Chavez also mentioned any leftover funds left will go towards the construction of the gym. Rios then walked to the podium to talk in detail about the changes the school district made to the project.
“Between the city and the school district, we have $2.5 million. The project came out to $5 million. We decided to do bids for individual projects which include plumbing, lighting, electric work, roofing, air-conditioner work and work on the floors . . . (The project) is scheduled to start Dec. 1 with different contractors. Our construction manager, Hector Chapa, will oversee all the individual projects,” Rios said.
“We believe everything will come in under budget. What will not be done will be the landscaping and painting that we wanted to improve inside the building . . . But besides that, the operational scope of the project will be intact, and we believe we can get this project done by May 2025,” Rios said.
Mayor Al Arreola asked if the council had additional questions. He asked Rios if the money had been put aside for the project, and Rios confirmed the city’s money and district’s money are in one budget.
Councilman J.P. Sanchez mentioned his early concerns about the project’s budget, but then he gave positive comments to Rios about his decision-making.
“(This project) was a long time in the works. I know we discussed this many years or four years back, but (the project) takes that long. People don’t know how the budget process is. The school district has to work on a budget. You also had to have specifications and plans drawn up, and you have to apply them to go forward. It all takes time, and it doesn’t happen overnight,” Sanchez said.
“I apologize for keeping this going. I was worried when I heard what the bids were, but I’m glad you are taking this project by the horns, and I would love to see my grandchildren play there. Thank you, Dr. Rios,” Sanchez added.
Councilman Jesus Lopez Jr. asked if the gym could be available for the city to use, and Rios confirmed his city can use the gym when it is available.
Arreola thanked Rios for his work on the project, adding the renovations on the gym are beneficial to the community.
Arreola mentioned “the doors are open” for Rios to suggest other ideas for the school district and the city to collaborate on.