Yvonne Garcia, new city planner, speaks to the Del Rio City Council after her introduction during the Dec. 12 council meeting. (Photo by Louis Zylka).

NEWS — Council meets new city planner

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

The Del Rio City Council was introduced to new City Planner Yvonne Garcia, a graduate from the University of Texas at Arlington, during the regular city council meeting on Dec. 12.

Selena Mendoza, human resources specialist, introduced Garcia to Mayor Al Arreola and the rest of the council members. She said Garcia grew up in Dallas, Texas, and graduated high school in DeSoto, Texas. After graduating high school, Garcia attended the University of Texas at Arlington, where she studied architecture, planning and public affairs.

Mendoza said Garcia earned a bachelor’s degree in science and architecture in 2021. She said Garcia also completed her master’s degree in architecture and has had jobs and opportunities where she was able to use her skills and knowledge.

“While pursuing her masters, Garcia held a designer position for Gary Levy Architects where she was able to put her knowledge and skills to work by visiting job sites and updating detailed drawings for current and future projects,” Mendoza said.

After completing her masters, Garcia moved to Del Rio, Texas, and was hired in July of 2023 as the current city planner. Mendoza concluded the introduction by saying “since day one she immediately resumed the responsibilities of the position.”

Garcia stepped to the podium and thanked city council members for the opportunity to work for the city of Del Rio.

“Even though I’ve only been working here for a couple of months, I really enjoy being a part of the community, and Del Rio is a place where I want my children to grow up,” Garcia said.

“If you have any questions I am here to answer them, or if you have any questions in the future, feel free to reach out,” Garcia said.

Arreola thanked Garcia for introducing herself at the meeting and welcomed Garcia to Del Rio.

“I hope you really make your life here permanent,” Arreola said.

Joel Langton

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