NEWS — Council okays work on police station air chiller 

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times


Council members approved on Jan. 14 a contract in the amount of $32,172 for maintenance on

the air chiller system at the Del Rio police station at 101 Lowe Dr.


Council members discussed approving a resolution to authorize

and direct the city manager to

approve a contract in the amount of $32,172 with Trane U.S. Inc. to begin work on the air

cooled chiller maintenance project in the main building of the city's police department.


Councilman J.P. Sanchez made the motion to approve the resolution, and Mayor-Pro tem Jim

DeReus gave the second.


After making the motion, Sanchez sounded enthusiastic about the resolution, saying, “Let’s fix

the chiller.”


As mentioned on its official website, Trane is a “building technology and energy solutions

company providing individualized, right-sized and forward-looking solutions for commercial and industrial applications.” 


In a memo by City Purchasing Agent Luis Menchaca and included as part of the council’s

informational packet, the city has worked with Trane on past projects for repairs at the police

department and the Del Rio Civic Center.


In the resolution discussed at the meeting, Trane has proposed to replace the damaged suction

and discharge isolation valves, the compressor suction temperature sensor, the oil temperature

sensor, the condenser saturated temperature sensor and the filler drier for circuit one of the air-

cooled chiller inside the police department’s main building.


Menchaca spoke with The 830 Times after the meeting and explained more details about the

resolution. He said a mechanical, engineering and plumbing study was done two years ago by

Halff Engineering, a consulting firm located in San Antonio, Texas, for a list of repairs needed to

be done to all the buildings at the police department.


Menchaca said the completed repairs to the police department included electrical work and

maintenance on the generator. After the repairs are finished to the air chiller system, repairs will

need to be done to the plumbing and air conditioning system. A resolution will be brought forth

at a future council meeting for said repairs, he added. 

Joel Langton

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