NEWS — Council recognizes Marines for keeping Del Rio clean

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

Volunteers from the U.S. Marina Corps were recognized at the most recent Del Rio City Council meeting for their work on the Keep Texas Beautiful Clean-Up Campaign.

Community Services Director Esme Meza presented to the city council members Marine Gunnery Sgt. Ryan Tusznski and Second Lt. Trinity Birt, both part of the group of Marines who have volunteered in city and county cleanup events since April.

“They had about 40 volunteers, and they have contributed a lot to our creek cleanup. If you see there is not a lot of trash floating in the creek. And so we do appreciate all their efforts,” Meza said.

Meza said the Marines made a “big impact” on the community by picking up trash in the parks and the creek, and contributed to the Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep Texas Waterways Clean programs. Meza also said the Marines volunteered from six to 102 hours per person.

Tusznski and Birt came up to the podium and thanked city council members and the city of Del Rio for giving them the opportunities to help the community.

“You have been nothing but a blessing for our Marines. We are only here temporarily helping with Border Patrol, and our Marines are eager to get out there and volunteer and help make the community better,” Tusznski said.

Councilman Jim DeReus presided over the council meeting in Mayor Al Arreola’s absence, and he thanked Tusznski and Birt for their contributions and for attending the meeting.

DeReus presented Tusznski and Birt certificates of appreciation for the Marines’ work on the following 2024 campaigns: the City of Del Rio’s Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Del Rio Beautiful, Keep Texas Waterways Clean and the Great American Cleanup.

“We really appreciate you not only for the actual job that you have, but what little free time you did have, you spent helping us out,” DeReus said.

Joel Langton

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