NEWS — Council to study need for new convention center

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

City council members on Tuesday approved negotiations for a contract to study whether or not Del Rio needs a new convention center.

Council members unanimously approved a resolution to allow the interim city manager to negotiate a contract with a company called Convention Sports and Leisure International (CSL) to conduct a feasibility study and market analysis for a possible new convention center.

Councilman J.P. Sanchez made the motion to approve the resolution, and Councilwoman Ernestina “Tina” Martinez gave the second.

Mayor Al Arreola asked if city staff has an estimated cost for the study and analysis.

Interim City Manager Manuel Chavez said the resolution will allow him to negotiate a contract with the company for a study to determine “one, if the city needs (a hew convention center) and two, what type of facility is needed for this particular area.”

Chavez added he anticipates CSL will provide an estimated cost for any convention center proposed.

Councilwoman Carmen Gutierrez asked Chavez how CSL would be compensated for the market analysis and study. Chavez answered the question by saying the project is eligible for hotel occupancy tax (HOT) funds.

“The idea is that it’ll lead to the construction of a convention center, and that is why it is eligible under HOT funds,” Chavez said.

Gutierrez asked how much CSL would be paid. Chavez said the resolution is only to approve negotiations with the company, and the negotiated contract will be brought back before city council for final approval.

Gutierrez expressed her concerns about a new convention center.

“I don’t have a problem with getting a study and utilizing HOT funds. However, we don’t have the audit yet, and we don’t have the budget yet. I don’t know what our debt ratio is yet, and so the concern is, this is not committing to a convention center yet,” Gutierrez said.

“That’s correct,” Chavez replied.

The council then unanimously approved the resolution.

Joel Langton

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