County resident Lori Reyes thanks the county judge for adding links to documents on the commissioners court’s meeting agendas on the county’s website and asks the court to consider scheduling both of its monthly meetings for the evenings. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — County resident asks court for evening meetings

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times


A county resident has asked county commissioners court members to consider changing all of their regular meetings to the evening hours.

County resident Lori Reyes made her request during the citizen comments portion of the court’s last regular meeting on Aug. 28, but first had a thank-you for county officials.

“First, I just want to thank you for the agenda, having the links, so we can actually see, online, we can click on the links and see what the item refers to. I really appreciate that,” Reyes said, referring to an earlier request she had made that the court include more information about its agenda items for citizens.

“Secondly, you’re going to be discussing the time of the meetings. Is that today?” Reyes asked.

When Owens began to interject, County Attorney David Martinez said there could be no discussion during the citizen comments.

Owens then said the court would take up the agenda item once Reyes had finished speaking.

“I have not been counting attendance, but I’ve been at almost every county (commissioners court) meeting for the last two years, and I’ve definitely seen a difference. Evening (meetings) are generally much better attended (than the court’s morning meetings). I want you to just please keep that in mind, “ Reyes said.

After Reyes finished, Owens moved to the item on the court’s agenda she had referenced: “discussion and approval to set commissioners court meeting times and dates.”

“I will make a motion to table because the (state) statute requires us to do this at the last meeting of the fiscal year, which is Sept. 25,” County Commissioner Pct. 3 Beau Nettleton said.

When Owens called for a second, County Commissioner Pct. 4 Gustavo “Gus” Flores said he would give the second for discussion.

Owens then commented, “We cannot set the date and time of the meetings until the last meeting of the fiscal year that we are in. That’s how come we’re being asked to table it.”

Owens then turned to Flores, who said he would like to make a comment.

“I’ve noticed the difference in the afternoons, but there’s a lot more people in the mornings than in the afternoons,” Flores said.

Sandra Fuentes, a co-chair of The Border Organization, who was seated in the audience, called out, “That’s not true.”

“That is true,” Flores retorted.

“That’s okay,” Owens said, then added, to Flores, “We’ll bring it back, if that’s okay.”

Owens, Nettleton and Flores then voted in favor of the motion to table.

County Commissioner Pct. 1 Martin Wardlaw and County Commissioner Pct. 2 Juan Carlos Vazquez were both absent from the meeting.

The writer can be reached at

Joel Langton

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