County resident Lionel Reyes speaks to the city council in opposition to plans to site a second international bridge northwest of the Del Rio city limits. Reyes made his remarks during the council’s regular meeting on Tuesday. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — County resident speaks out against second bridge

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

A county resident who has been adamantly opposed to the city’s plan to build a second international bridge near a populated area northwest of Del Rio spoke to city council members again on Tuesday. 

County resident Lionel Reyes made his remarks during the citizen comments portion of the council’s regular meeting.

Reyes told the council, “On this issue of the bridge again, what’s coming up, is a proposed route (between the proposed bridge site and U.S. Highway 90). There’s a public meeting forthcoming next month.

“Now, a home. What is a home? Miriam Webster defines a home as a place of residence.

“With the exception of several new faces on the (council) here, there have been some comments from the remainder, one or many others, that out in that direction (of the bridge site), (there’s) nothing but a bunch of trailers. It’s still somebody’s home.

“To say ‘it’s just a bunch of trailers’ reeks of arrogance. That’s not needed by this governmental body. It shows a complete lack of respect for the people and their property. Now also come to find out that (commercial) truck traffic (across the existing international bridge) is down 12 percent. How are you going to get the bridge across remains to be seen,” Reyes finished.

Reyes told the council he also wished to read them a message from another county resident also opposed to siting a proposed new bridge northwest of Del Rio.

“I do have another message from another individual who cannot make it at this time, Mr. Jordan Ediger,” Reyes said.

Reyes then read the following statement:

“We need to remember that any route (from the new bridge) at this point is merely a line on a map. It can and probably will change after the city receives their presidential permit. Las Brisas is most certainly in play. No politician can guarantee that it (isn’t). This effort is a betrayal of Americans by our civic leaders.

“If any interest in building the economy of Del Rio were true or honest, then a bridge in the area where there are no homes would be chosen and instead, it is not. Given the time taken to generate these plans, we have already been pouring concrete in that area that is suitable for everyone.

“Stop wasting Del Rio’s finances for an effort that destroys our homes, which is also should relocation or should forcibly moving people out of their homes is very indicative of a government that has already done that many years ago, so should that happen, you’ll be in world-class company there. It was done many years ago, and some of us here in the audience are descendants of that forcible moving. So just think about what you’re going to do,” Reyes finished.

The writer can be reached at

Joel Langton

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