By Karen Gleason
The 830 Times
County commissioners court members unanimously approved an expenditure of hotel
occupancy tax monies for an April run/walk that raises funds for childhood cancer
The court during its March 12 meeting approved spending the $10,000 from county hotel
occupancy tax (HOT) funds for the Devils River Run for Hope, a fundraiser for Brooke’s
Blossoming Hope for Childhood Cancer, to be held on the Devils River State Natural
Area and the McKenna Ranch in north-central Val Verde County on April 12.
The 5 th Annual Devils River Run for Hope will include a marathon, a half-marathon and a
5K, beginning on the banks of the Devils River in the Devils River State Natural Area
and ending on the McKenna Ranch. The race concludes with a barbecue, featuring live
music, a raffle and an auction.
To register for the event, visit, and for more information on
Brooke’s Blossoming Hope for Childhood Cancer, visit
The court approved the donation during its most recent regular meeting on Wednesday.
After announcing the agenda item, County Judge Lewis G. Owens Jr. told the court,
“We’ve given $8,000 every year; they’re requesting $10,000 this year.”
Owens also told the court the organization has provided a report outlining how it has
spent the funds in the past.
Commissioner Pct. 4 Gustavo “Gus” Flores made the motion to approve the request in
the amount of $10,000, and Commissioner Pct. 2 Juan Carlos Vazquez gave the second.
Owens then invited Jessica Hester, founder and executive director of Brooke’s
Blossoming Hope for Childhood Cancer, and her two children, Benjamin, 11; and
Julianna, 9; to the podium. Jessica Hester is also mom to Brooke, for whom the
organization is named.
Hester handed out flyers about the Devils River Run for Hope to members of the court.
Owens then called for the vote, and the court unanimously approved the motion.
He then invited Hester and her children to join the court for a photo.
The writer can be reached at .