NEWS — David E. Martinez seeks re-election to County Attorney office

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

David E. Martinez is seeking re-election to the office of Val Verde County Attorney, first seeking the Democratic Party nomination for the seat.

Martinez will be the only candidate for the position on the March 5 Democratic Party Primary Election ballot.

Martinez was born and raised in Del Rio and is a 1982 graduate of Del Rio High School. Martinez is the seventh of 10 children born to the late Leonel Martinez Sr. and the late Viola Cassetto Martinez. 

Martinez earned his bachelor of business administration degree in financial management from St. Mary’s University in 1986 and his juris doctorate from St. Mary’s University School of Law in 1992.

In 1993, he married Carmen Herrera (now Carmen H. Martinez), and the couple has two daughters: Clarissa Viola, 27, and Julia Andrea, 25.

“My parents instilled in each of their children the importance of public service. When I was born, my father was a police officer for the city of Del Rio; therefore, we were reared with a great respect for law enforcement. Dad was one of the founding members of the United Civic Organization and was a member of the Men’s Organization at St. Joseph Catholic Church, our home parish. He also served on the public school board at a crucial time in our city’s history, when Del Rio High and San Felipe High consolidated. In addition, he was the long-standing chairman of the Civil Service Commission.

“Mom taught in the local school district for more than 30 years. In addition, she taught CCD at St. Joseph Catholic Church for more than 40 years, was a member of the Sacred Heart Society and was a Eucharistic Minister. Needless to say, Mom and Dad led by example,” Martinez said.

Martinez said his commitment to service began while he was still a child.

“My commitment to service commenced when I was very young as I served as an altar boy at St. Joseph Catholic Church from the age of 10 through the age of 18. As I grew older, in addition to being an altar boy, I also served as an usher and lector at our church. 

“While I attended St. Mary’s University, I served in campus ministry as a Eucharistic Minister and Lector. I also served in the Student Government Association, being elected and serving as junior class senator, then as student body president in my senior year.

“As my wife Carmen and I lived in San Antonio, we became active with our daughters’ school and church, St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic Church and School. At the church, I was active with ACTS, ACTS Missions, ACTS Core and served as a Lector and Eucharistic Minister. At the school, I was a member of the school board as well as the Parent Teacher Association,” Martinez said.

Martinez, his wife and daughters returned to Del Rio in 2005, and he went to work for the Val Verde County Attorney’s Office. He stayed there for 12 years.

“Since moving back home, I have been active at St. Joseph, my childhood parish, as a CCD teacher, Lector, ACTS Core and ACTS retreats and That Man Is You. I have served on numerous San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District Facility and Operations Citizens Committees, am a past member of both the Del Rio High School Choir and Band Booster Clubs and served on the city of Del Rio International Airport Commission for approximately 12 years, six of those years as chairman. I have also been active with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, as well as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk for a Cure, for numerous years,” Martinez said.

Martinez’s professional experience is broad.

“I have worked throughout south and southwest Texas over the past 30-plus years in the areas of immigration, personal injury, medical malpractice, products liability, criminal defense and family law and the last three years as Val Verde County Attorney.

“As I stated earlier, prior to being elected in November 2020 and taking office in January 2021, I worked for the Val Verde County Attorney for 12 years. As such, I have a firm understanding of the duties and responsibilities of this office.

“Some have asked me why I seek re-election as Val Verde County Attorney. My reasons are two-fold. First and foremost, I feel a calling and a sense of responsibility to continue to be of public service. Again, I was reared by two wonderful parents who instilled in me the importance of serving others and giving back to our community.

“Although I have had the good fortune to live in different parts of the country and the state, Del Rio and Val Verde County are my home. As such, I want our community to be the absolute best it can be, and I want to do my part in achieving that goal. 

“Second, the possibility of serving my community for a second term as county attorney would allow me the opportunity to continue to expand the services of the office. My first term as county attorney has been somewhat untraditional as we have dealt with a COVID crisis, the extreme winter storm of 2021 and a historical immigration/humanitarian crisis throughout these first three years.

“In addition, I was appointed and currently serve as a member of the Long-Range Planning Committee for the Texas District and County Attorneys Association (TDCAA). I was fortunate to have been part of a panel which presented a program regarding the border crisis at a TDCAA seminar for prosecutors from across the state of Texas,” Martinez said.

“If I am blessed to be re-elected for a second term, I hope to continue to grow my office; first, by moving to a larger office space; second, by taking advantage of grant funds and expanding my staff further to better serve our community; and lastly, by acquiring a case management system which would allow my office to more efficiently work with the District Attorney’s Office, the Del Rio Police Department, the Val Verde Sheriff’s Office, the Texas Department of Public Safety, as well as the District Clerk’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office,” he said.

“In conclusion, I humbly and respectfully ask for your support and your vote. Remember, let your voice be heard and vote,” Martinez said.


The writer can be reached at

Joel Langton

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