Former Councilman Steve Webb urges city council members to adopt a code of ethics. Webb made his comments to the council during its regular meeting on Tuesday. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — Former city councilman calls on council to adopt ethics code


By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

A former city councilman has again called on the Del Rio City Council to adopt a code of ethics.

Former City Councilman Steve Webb made his remarks during the citizen comments portion of the regular city council meeting on Tuesday.

Webb made similar comments to the council during a meeting in July.

On Tuesday, Webb told the council, “Mayor, council, I’m here tonight to ask about the code of ethics, if you all have even considered it, talked about it, looked at one. I have been in touch with San Antonio, Eagle Pass, Rocksprings. They all have a code of ethics.

“I know it’s not on the agenda tonight. You have someone that is being complained on, again. I know who this person is. I just want to tell you that I know who has done what, and that code of ethics is very important because right now the only thing we have in place for someone who violates rules, policies, charter or whatever, is recall,” Webb said.

Webb added, “You’ve got to have a code of ethics that says this is what will happen if you do this or don’t do this. It’s got to be done, and it’s not fair to the public (not to have one), because if you’re only in this business for yourself, you’re in the wrong business, like I told you before.

“The idea is to do things right, and that code of ethics is doing things right. The public deserves the best we’ve got, and right now, it’s not showing because people are breaking rules. And they’re on the dais, so I’m going to encourage the council again to discuss the code of ethics and get something in place so that if any one of you, or if you want to add city employees, whatever, does anything wrong, that something gets done, not just a slap on the hand.

“This person’s been before legal three times that I’m aware of, and now you’re back in executive session with the same person. It shouldn’t happen. He shouldn’t be here. He’s not here for the right reason anyway.

“So, I’m going to encourage you all to look at a code of ethics and get something done. Get something in place, or the system will continue. There’s no way around it. This person thinks he’s above everything, so I’m going to encourage you all to get something in place for the betterment of the community and the council. Thank you,” Webb finished.

The writer can be reached at


Joel Langton

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