By Louis Zylka
The 830 Times
City council has appointed local builder Juan Fernandez as the newest member of the Del Rio Planning and Zoning Commission.
Appointment of a new member to the Planning and Zoning Commission was an item on the council’s agenda during its regular council meeting on Nov. 12.
Councilwoman Carmen Gutierrez made the motion to approve

newest member of the Del RioPlanning and Zoning Commission. The city council appointed
Fernandez to the commission Nov. 12.
the resolution appointing Fernandez to the commission, and Councilwoman Ernestina “Tina” Martinez gave the second.
As mentioned in an information handout provided to the council by Assistant City Manager Manuel Chavez, the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a citizen advisory group to the city council regarding zoning requests, platting and replacing matters, annexation plans and right-of-way abandonment requests.
Fernandez is a long-time resident of Del Rio and the owner of Don Juan Investments Inc., and he spoke with The 830 Times on Monday, expressing how happy he was to join the commission.
Fernandez has a background in real estate and architecture and previously worked with the city in a volunteer capacity on the city’s Building and Standards Commission.
Fernandez said his experiences working with the city will help the commission fulfill its goals.
“I think I can contribute (to the commission). I have the time and willingness to serve. . . . I’ve worked with the city developers, so I think I can bring some knowledge and insight. Hopefully we can move forward (in the commission),” Fernandez said.
Fernandez added, “For the city council (members) to make a decision, the Planning and Zoning Commission needs to make a decision. We don’t make the final decision, they do. But if we need to move along, we need to do our part,” Fernandez said.