NEWS — Mayor says 90 percent of business community supports second bridge

By Karen Gleason

The 830 Times

Mayor Al Arreola recently told members of the city’s international bridge board he believes “at least 90 percent” of local business people support the construction of a second international bridge.

Arreola made his comments about the proposed second bridge during the international bridge board’s April 23 meeting following an update on the second bridge given by Interim City Manager Manuel Chavez.

Chavez told the bridge board members, “For this particular update, there are no significant updates since our last discussion. The city is still waiting for the latest alternate route (between the proposed site of the new bridge and area highways), and once we do receive that, we can schedule the public meeting and as of right now, we’re about 50 percent of the presidential permit contract, and as previously mentioned, once we get that alternate route selected, they (the consultants) can do the feasibility study, and then we can submit the presidential permit (application).”

Chavez told bridge board members he believed the permit would be submitted “toward the latter end of this calendar year.”

Arreola asked bridge board members if they had any questions.

Bridge board member Mario Bosquez asked if either of the city’s chambers of commerce had publicly voiced support for the second international bridge.

“Or what about the (city’s) Economic Development Corporation? Are (any of them) supporting this? Because I haven’t seen anything about the community supporting this. So what’s the position of the chambers?” Bosquez said.

Arreola replied, “That is something; Mr. Chavez, I think we already had some workshops with them.”

Then he said to Bosquez, “You mean they haven’t come out publicly?”

“I haven’t heard anything,” Bosquez replied.

Arreola asked Chavez for his input, and Chavez said, “We recently went to Washington, D.C. We did have the chamber on board during our discussions. But publicly, I’m not aware of any (statements).”

“So does anybody know what’s the position of the chambers? Or the Economic Development Corporation? The maquila association? Because I haven’t heard anything,” Bosquez reiterated.

“They’re all on board with the vision of a second bridge, but they are waiting for the city to come out and finalize the whole details. As far as them (saying anything) publicly, that is something you probably have to ask them. Yours truly has asked them, either step up or let us know where you stand, but as far as the Del Rio Chamber of Commerce, the Del Rio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, they’re supporting the vision of a second international bridge,” Arreola said.

“I have had meetings with (members of the) business community, and I have mentioned to them, where are you all in regards to a second bridge, and they said they’re supporting it. Really, they’re not out there putting it on social media, but they’re talking to their people, and that’s all we expect.

“We no longer have a Del Rio News-Herald, but (we have) the 830 Times, and if the business community wants to mention where they stand, they could do the pros and cons on that, too. But what I hear when I meet with business community people, they’re very supportive. But, they’re not coming out,” the mayor said.

“And I think it’s one of the key things that everybody has their opinions, and we have to respect that. But yes, the Del Rio Chamber and the Hispanic Chamber are supporting the vision of a second bridge,” Arreola said.

He added, “They don’t want to come out and promote it yet because like Mr. Chavez mentioned, we’re at 50 percent. Once we get to that elevation of the next level, then I’m pretty sure they’ll do what they have to do because the second bridge is going to benefit the chambers.

“It’s going to benefit the business community. For me to jump (in) and say they should be promoting it, that’s up to them, but the city’s trying to do the best we can. I visit with the business community, with Mr. Chavez; I visit with the chambers, the maquiladora group, and as much as anybody wants to say I jump to the other side. . . we’re planning on, I think it’s May 27, a meeting with economic developers from Coahuila, so we can all get together on both sides, the Coahuila side and the Texas side. We don’t do anything in secret; we have our meetings here and people do come and listen.

“I think the question is, does the chamber support us, yes, they’re just not promoting it yet. Does everybody want to come out and say what they feel? That’s up to them. They don’t have a budget just to promote that, but they’re doing promotion on their side,” Arreola said.

He said the city is organizing a “maquiladora expo” in Del Rio.

“It will be the first one ever in the city of Del Rio, with the partnership of Acuña. We want to show our kids, our citizens, what’s actually done in Acuña. A lot of people here don’t go across the border and we don’t understand, they don’t know the important things that are being manufactured there, that are making their way to the United States and beyond, and that’s something we’re going to highlight on the 13th and 14th,,” the mayor said

“I’m just concerned because I haven’t heard anything,” Bosquez said.

Board member Ruben Nino said he liked the idea of an expo featuring what is manufactured in Ciudad Acuña.

Arreola spoke further about the manufacturing done in Ciudad Acuña, but said once the consultants present the information about the alternate routes, he believes at least “90 percent of the business community” in Del Rio will support the second international bridge.

Arreola continued, “The second bridge is going to put a little less stress on our existing bridge, but also on our citizens. I don’t know if you are aware, but there was (recently) an eight-car collision on Veterans Boulevard and Gibbs. . . People think what is better for me, but what is better for all citizens? We want to make sure we do all our studies right, so when it’s presented to the citizens of Del Rio, we’re going to listen to you, but our basic thought here is what’s in the best interest of the whole city?

“I think that is where this bridge board, council, the city administration are really looking into it and we’ll proceed on it, and like I said, the business community is supporting it,” Arreola finished.

The writer can be reached at


Joel Langton

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