NEWS — Members appointed for Board of Adjustment

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

The city council on Aug. 13 appointed and reappointed members to the Board of Adjustment commission for the city of Del Rio.

As mentioned in the City of Del Rio website, the BOA makes decisions and conducts administrative reviews pertaining to the zoning ordinances or provisions of the city code for zoning in the city.

Mayor Pro-tem James DeReus made the motion to approve the resolution, and Councilman Randy Quiñones gave the second. 

The three reappointed members of the board are Belinda Horton, Raul Alatorre and Dennis Smith, and the new members are Alexandra Falcon Calderon and Dr. Lee Keenen.

Councilman Jesus Lopez Jr. asked about the process for appointing members to city boards and commissions, and Interim City Manager Manuel Chavez answered Lopez’s question.

“We did have an ordinance we adopted last year as far as to come back and make recommendations for any board or commission.

“The process requires someone to submit an application for that respective board, then the mayor, the city manager and the respective (members) for that board or commission interview all the applicants submitted. Then a recommendation is made to the city council based on those interviews,” Chavez said. 

Mayor Al Arreola said he would abstain from the resolution, and Lopez said he was opposed to the motion to approve.

The motion to approve the reappointments and new appointments was approved on a 5-1-1 vote, with Lopez opposed and Arreola abstaining from voting.

Joel Langton

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