Mayor Al Arreola speaks to the community following his swearing in during a special city council meeting on June 27. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

NEWS — New mayor, councilman sworn in

By Karen Gleason


Al Arreola was sworn in as the city’s new mayor, and Jesus Lopez Jr. was sworn in as the new District I councilman during a special city council meeting June 27.

Outgoing Mayor Bruno “Ralphy” Lozano called the meeting to order and read the results of the two city runoff elections and formally announced Arreola as the winner of the runoff election for mayor and Jesus Lopez Jr. as the winner of the runoff election for
District I councilman.

After reading the results, Lozano made the motion to approve an ordinance accepting the results, with Councilman Steven Webb giving the second. The motion passed unanimously.

Lozano next moved to that portion of the agenda in which the council members were given a chance to say their goodbyes and thank-yous to outgoing District I Councilman Alfredo “Fred” Carranza Jr. and to himself.

Jesus Lopez Jr., center, newly-elected District I Del Rio City Council representative, takes the oath of office during a special city council meeting on June 27. The oath of office was administered by his wife, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 Hilda Lopez, left, and the couple’s daughter, Kayla Lopez Rodriguez, right, held the Bible. Lopez’s family members, friends and supporters joined him in council chambers at City Hall for the ceremony. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

After the ceremonies, Lozano called Lopez to the center of the council chambers so he could be sworn in.

Lopez’s wife, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 Hilda Lopez, administered the oath of office as the couple’s daughter, Kayla Lopez Rodriguez, held the Bible. Other members of Lopez’s family joined the trio at the center of council chambers for the swearing-in ceremony.

After Lopez signed the oath of office, he made his way onto the council dais, where he was welcomed by his new colleagues and got a congratulatory handshake from the outgoing Carranza.

Lozano then called Arreola from the audience to the center of the council chambers. Arreola asked that his pastor, Martin Seca, be allowed to give a blessing before the swearing in.

After the blessing prayer, Justice of the Peace Lopez administered the oath of office as Arreola’s wife, Myrella Arreola, held the Bible. Members of Arreola’s family, as well as friends and supporters formed a semi-circle around the mayor-elect and his wife as he
took the oath.

After taking the oath, Arreola spoke from the floor of the council chambers.

“I give thanks to the mighty Lord for putting me in this position and of course my entire family,” Arreola said.

He also thanked the community, the outgoing mayor and the council and said, “We’re going to move this community forward.”

Arreola took his place on the dais. He shook hands with Lozano, then embraced him. Lozano made his way off the dais.

“One of the things the city is going to find out is that I’m a man of short words and actions,” Arreola said after taking his place in the mayor’s chair.

Al Arreola, center, newly-elected Del Rio mayor, takes the oath of office during a special city council meeting on June 27. The oath of office was administered by Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 Hilda Lopez, left, and Arreola’s wife, Myrella Arreola, right, held the Bible. Arreola’s family members, friends and supporters joined him in council chambers at City Hall for the ceremony. (Photo by Karen Gleason)

He first thanked his wife, for all her work on his campaign. He said he wasn’t sure if everyone knew it, but he and his wife were at home recovering from a bout of COVID-19 on Election Day. He also thanked members of his family for their support and help.

He said he will use the values of listening and giving back to lead the community. Arreola pledged “to work with the council as a team.”

“I know there are a lot of differences, as people have said, but at the end of the day, I think if we work as a unified group, we can move this city forward, and I respect every individual up here. I think you guys have done a tremendous job. COVID really set you
guys back, but you stepped up, and I saw the progress that you made. I would really, really love to work with this council to move our city to the next level,” Arreola said. Arreola next recognized Lopez, who also thanked God, his wife and “the constituents who gave me the opportunity to serve them.”

Mayor Pro-Tem Jim DeReus welcomed Arreola and Lopez and said he looked forward to working with both of them.

The other members of the council and City Manager John Sheedy also offered words of welcome and encouragement to the new members.

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