NEWS — Office space donated to State Representative Eddie Morales

By Louis Zylka

The 830 Times

City council members during their regular meeting on Tuesday approved a resolution to provide office space for the area’s elected official for State Representative District 74.

The approved resolution authorizes the execution of an office space agreement between the city and Texas Rep. Eddie Morales Jr. (D-Eagle Pass).

“This reinforces the connection and our commitment to Del Rio and the Val Verde community,” Morales said. “We were honored to attend the Change of Command at Laughlin recently and afterwards toured the SAS Shoe Factory.” 

Councilman Jim DeReus made the motion to approve the resolution, and Councilwoman Carmen Gutierrez gave the second.

Based on information in the agenda packet provided to the council, the office space agreement ends Jan. 14, 2025. The office space is located inside the Del Rio Civic Center, and the size of the space is listed at 173 square feet and includes all utilities except phone services.

According to the informational handout, the office space will be used for business purposes by Morales, to assist the representative in serving his constituents in District 74.

From the information in the agenda, which was submitted to the council by administrative secretary Marisol Mendoza, donating the office space for Morales’ office would be beneficial by having the state representative’s office be centrally located at the civic center for the citizens of Del Rio and Val Verde County to visit if needed.

The city has provided office space to elected officials in the past, enabling them to better meet local constituent’s needs. 

The council unanimously approved the resolution without further questions before moving to the next agenda topic.

Joel Langton

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