By Louis Zylka
The 830 Times
Council members approved plans to pursue a new bike track in the San Felipe area.
A resolution to approve collaboration between the city and the Rotary Club of Del Rio, a local
non-profit organization, to build a pump track at 1101 W. De La Rosa St., was discussed at
Tuesday’s regular council meeting.
Councilman J.P. Sanchez made the motion to approve the resolution, and Mayor Pro-tem Jim
DeReus gave the second.
The project was first presented to the council at the Jan. 14 regular meeting and was met with
enthusiasm from council members.
As mentioned at the Jan. 14 regular meeting, a pump track is a continuous loop of berms and
rollers designed for cyclists to ride without peddling.
Del Rio Rotary Club officials told the council the club will fund the construction of the track, and
it will be built between the Joe Ramos Center and the city’s new Skate Garden, where a
basketball court is currently located.
During the Jan. 28 meeting, Councilwoman Carmen Gutierrez asked if the existing fence and
basketball court will be removed to build the track. Scot Carcasi, the city’s operations and
compliance manager, was in attendance to answer questions, and he confirmed the fence and
basketball court will be removed.
Councilman Jesus Lopez Jr. asked if there are plans to move the basketball court to a location
close by.
Carcasi answered saying there are no plans to put a basketball court in the same location. He
did mention the city is planning to do a resurfacing process to improve the pavement of other
outdoor basketball courts around the city.
Lopez asked if the city can build a tennis court on the west side of the Joe Ramos Center.
Carcasi said “anything is possible” as long as the council approves building a tennis court in the
“I am asking the question because people go to certain areas to play certain games; some are
skaters, some are bikers, some like to play tennis and basketball . . . That is why I ask the
question. If we are taking down these recreational activity areas, are we going to replace them
somewhere for people to still use?” Lopez asked.
Carcasi said the existing location outside the Joe Ramos Center will not have available space in
the future to add another recreational area. Carcasi mentioned that there is additional work
planned for the Skate Garden, including a shade canopy.
Mayor Al Arreola cut off the conversation and said the discussion needs to focus on approving
the pump track. He said the council can approve a new basketball court when the city has the budget for it in the future.
Arreola thanked Carcasi for answering questions. The council then voted unanimously to
approve the pump track outside the Joel Ramos Center as presented.