By Gene Chapman
Who could deny communist China plans to dominate the world militarily and economically, replacing America?
The world doesn’t want that domination, understanding its cruelty, looking to America for leadership. Trump jawboned the European Union (E.U.) into paying military dues agreed upon, rebuilding NATO’s deterrence against communist domination. He formed alliances with the E.U., India, Japan, Australia and many other allies, using mutually advantaged trade deals to better resist the brutal yoke of communism.
Early on, he successfully persuaded these allies to avoid cheaper China computer technology from Huawei. Being state owned, they installed a back door capacity to steal technology, using it against the free world. Trump’s first budgets spent billions rebuilding our depleted military, ignored with peanuts for eight years of the Obama Administration. Anna was appointed a commissioner with Texas Military Preparedness, with millions of budgeted state funds, to more fully preserve Texas military bases.
Russia, always a bit uneasy with China communism, remained quiet, as the Democrats ridiculously accused them of stealing the election for Trump. Biden recently attacked Putin, accusing him of being a Trump supporter. Notice the Democrats always attack Texas economy-sized Russia, but never an ill word about the real China threat for world dominance. Putin challenged him to a transparent debate in jest, but much worse, Putin dangerously made an agreement to stand with China. Why? Could it be that he sees China winning now, and wants to be on the winning side? Nations choose friends, just as individuals do. They each want someone strong, standing upon known principles, willing to fight for them. Communism has one principle – authoritarian, absolute power. They are liberal Democrats on steroids, controlling your life. No church, work, school, what you can and cannot say, masked three to six feet apart until we tell you otherwise, and have never lost an election.
Real freedom requires principles, standing solid as a real or perceived minority against the louder voice. Our founders were so concerned about that it was made the very first constitutional amendment protecting free exercise of religion, speech, and peaceful assembly. This very day, America’s justice department is collecting evidence on Trump supporters, working diligently to find or create a national imaginary conspiracy to discredit Trump for the Capitol insurgency. They have to destroy anything Trump, rewrite history, make America evil, conniving free market capitalist, worthy of a firing squad. But the poor revolutionary masses are worthy, leading eventually to a universal monthly government salary for all, in the chains of communist slavery. Your masters will be chosen from the most dedicated ANTIFA/BLM Marxist member heroes, doing the most damage to the soft underbelly of Christian capitalism.
Gas will soon be $3 a gallon going to $5, your taxes rising sharply, the middle class crashing, government control rising, and hard times for all in dreamless mediocrity. Just last week a $900 million Ford plant in Michigan announced they were going back to Mexico.
The stock market could continue doing well, living for now on Trump’s free market polices, but when the leftist policies are fully implemented, punishing success rewarding government dependency, it too will crash. It can only grow with policies rewarding productivity, with something to gain for developing tomorrow’s comforts in a rapidly changing modern lifestyle. Remember the model T replacing the horse drawn carriage, the Wright brother’s first airplane flight of a few hundred feet? Telephones, radios, televisions and today’s Internet followed, all because of America capitalism, and it could pay big to dream big. When everything belongs to the government in socialistic communism, there’s no reason to dream. What happened to Jack Ma, the richest, smartest entrepreneur in China?
Why do you think all communist nations work incessantly to steal America’s capitalist secrets? So they can then reproduce them with government slave labor, sustaining universal salaries for their dreamless masses in bare essentials. All America needs to do is accept and teach our wondrous Christian founding, out produce them in spades, and become even more dominant going forward!
But we are not! Christianity and free market capitalism are under violent attack, with conservative, patriotic free speech culture cancelled, and one-sided dominant news. Our very own media, Beijing Rose, is taking a page from Tokyo Rose during World War 2, telling us it’s hopeless, just accept it, because Pelosi and the squad know best, and are going to win. The Democrats are sending out COVID-19 recovery checks with borrowed money, heartlessly opening our borders for voters, attempting to remove the filibuster rule in the Senate to pass HR1, federalizing national elections, permanently ending Republican opposition, and the real crazies are talking a national government salary.
We don’t deserve a stolen valor second place, no way, no how, and it’s time for the choosing.