OPINION — I Wake up Today in an America I Don’t Know

By Gene Chapman  

A hate filled politically correct America, not the old correctable politically incorrect America I so adored.  We have lost our collective mind!  

It’s un-American to count how many illegal Americans are voting.  Russians influencing our elections is deplorable, but China working hand in hand with Democrats to steal an election is exactly what the doctor ordered.  

It’s cool if Joe Biden blackmails Ukraine for son Hunter’s millions, but impeachable if Trump inquires about it.  People who never attended college should pay off the loans of people who did.  

People who have never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.  Caravans of illegals are now crossing Mexico, some with Covid-19 are now welcomed, (to vote?) but you can’t go back to work or school because of a 3.2 percent chance of the elderly with co-morbidity near natural death could die. 

China sent us this malady, but it’s Trump’s fault because our economy was growing too fast with a dangerous minority middle class rising, turning America Red.  

Law and order, once our friend, is now the enemy. Criminals spreading terror on our streets are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them somehow violates THEIR rights.  

Our dominant media has taken America’s brain out, and put it back in backwards.  Nothing makes sense today.  No values, morals or civility, with our roaring  economy stopped dead in its tracks with a reviving China declining economy, and Covid -19 used for massive mail-in voter fraud to steal an election Trump easily won, coordinated with American comrades. 

Dominion election computers were designed specifically by Venezuelan communist to steal elections.  China funded   Dominion with four hundred million bucks, and the swing States used Dominion.  One was seized for a forensic study finding a 68 percent error rate, while federal law states anything above .008 percent is unacceptable, but who cares.  

I watched most all the swing State legislative testimony presented by Trump’s defense team by sworn affidavit poll watchers, uniformly testifying to blatant unconstitutional inability to observe mail- in ballot counting.  Mail-in voting was often 95 percent for Biden while Republicans turned two State legislatures Red, lost not a single incumbent race in the Congress almost gaining a majority, held their own in the Senate, all defying expectations, but Trump lost.  

A busted pipe at Atlanta’s private State Farm Arena was cause for shutting down the counting, and sending all the Republicans home until 8 A.M. on 11/4.  The election spokesman said it was a big pool.  Fifteen minutes after the area was cleared, the Democrat officials hurriedly resume counting, thinking nobody was watching.  They counted mail-in ballots, hidden previously under a long table covered from view.  

But one suspicious Republican lady poll watcher asked the privately owned facility if they had security cameras, and the stealing is there for the world to see.  The tape of the counting matched perfectly with Biden’s numbers going astoundingly skyward, and Trump’s following into the agony of defeat between 10 P.M. and 4 A.M.  When no work order appeared, the busted pipe turned into a leaky commode with absolutely no interest by the vote stealing big media.

They see nothing wrong with vote harvesting, 42,000 Nevadans voting twice, more votes than registered voters, or cemeteries voting in the thousands. They simultaneously suspended vote counting in three time zones and five States controlled by Democrats with Trump on a sure path to victory.  After a long delay they resumed mail-in vote counting knowing exactly how many votes they needed to win.  In some States, by unconstitutional edicts signature comparison was illegally removed, in others they placed Republican poll watchers well beyond human ability to observe.  They co-mingled ballots demanded to be counted separately by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, counted thousands of Biden votes without a single Trump voter(statistically impossible) and Biden was soon the winner.

Trump made so many little friends with medium income up $6000 per family, he couldn’t hire the big Washington law firms to represent him.  The Deep State, told the law firms they would be culture counselled if they agreed to do so.  All Trump needs is one Federal Court willing to hear the voting fiasco, and all the way up to the Supreme Court so far, we find only cowards.  

What golden calf, united in an international conspiracy, has successfully stolen our Constitutional Republic in what Biden described as “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics?”  It couldn’t be a blameless Obama/Hillary Deep State with a sycophant dominant media, hoping and changing America?  May God protect our 2021 Christmas season!

Joel Langton

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